Redesigning GOA

Martedì 12 Giugno, presso la sala conferenze dell’Aeroporto C. Colombo di Genova, si è tenuta la presentazione dei progetti degli studenti del Laboratorio di Progettazione Ambientale, diretto dalla nostra Prof. Maria Antonietta Esposito.

La giornata ha visto il suo inizio al mattino, con i saluti dell’Aeroporto di Genova. Sono intervenuti il Diretto Generale, Ing. Piero Righi, il Direttore Tecnico, Ing. Marco Bresciani e la Progettista, Arch. Emanuela Tondo.

A seguire l’introduzione del Corso da parte della Prof. Maria Antonietta Esposito.

Si sono poi avvicendati uno dopo l’altro i 15 gruppi del Laboratorio, presentando le loro proposte progettuali per l’ampliamento dell’Aeroporto.

Redesigning GOA

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About TxP Research

TxP profile TxP - Technology for the Project is a research team. It operates in the field of airport design, optimization of passenger terminal organization and performance to go green. TxP team studies and defines ad hoc project solutions for the green building compliance. TxP operates in synergy with the international scientific community and in particolar with the Italian of PhD courses Italian network in Technology for Architecture OSDOTTA. The TxP research is a spin-off of one of that network node (Università di Firenze). TxP offers stages and internship opportunity for applied and experimental research to young researchers, professionals and students to work for green innovation in the industry. The TxP team also develops and applies new methodologies and instruments to green building accordingly to airport project planning, design and management which are based on new green international standards. The root of the TxP team approach is the project integration through collaborative processes communication TxP also offers project verification by check and feed-back processes as well as preliminary design performance specification documents according to various methods. Green Projects publication and results diffusion by editing and reporting by different media is also a strong point of the team.

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